From victim mindset to being a creator
When you think about different aspects of your life - who is in charge? To whom are you giving your power? I hope you would say that you are - but when you look deeper, that might not be the reality. Your victim mindset might be causing you to feel powerless rather than powerful.
The victim is a survival archetype that everyone carries within. And like with all archetypes, there is a shadow and the light side of the victim. And so, you must recognize the victim’s shadow and bring it into the light with acceptance.
The shadow of the victim mindset manifests as you not taking responsibility for your life – feeling powerless and helpless. It feels like you have given away your power to something or someone. You rely too much on different types of authorities. You consciously or unconsciously want them to decide, on behalf of you, what you and your life look like.
This victim shadow also looks like you cannot change or transform. You feel that everything happens TO you, and you cannot do anything but feel suffering and pain.
The victim repeats the words such as “I cannot do that” when in most cases it is not about you being unable to do it. If you instead would say, “I won’t do that,” you would be taking your power back. Do you see the energetic difference between those two sentences?
The truth is that most people like to play to be victims because of the attention they might – or might not – get. This attention nurtures the unmet needs that they should first nurture within themselves.
Are you starting to recognize the victim mindset?
Let’s do a small exercise. Think about the following points and WHO or WHAT has the power over them in your life. Are you blaming someone? To whom are you giving the lead role on why things are not working out? Just be honest with yourself!
- Your health and wellbeing – e.g., illness, coach, not enough time
- Your career or your company – e.g., your manager deciding about your career, not enough jobs, your clients not wanting to buy
- Your money situation – e.g., bad economy, not enough clients, the company where you work not giving good benefits
- Your relationships – e.g., your partner, best friend, or family is in charge
- Your happiness – e.g., your partner, your job, loneliness
- Your dreams – e.g., fear, economy, knowhow
I think you know the answer, who it should be. It should be YOU.
You decide. You lead. And sure, we need to listen to authorities – but the difference is that you know your power is within you. You master your life. You co-create with the Universe. No one can diminish your inner fire.
When you take your power back, when your inner fire is burning, you set boundaries, and your self-esteem shines the brightest light.
So my dear, find that victim mindset within you and look at how the shadow is taking over your life. Bring the victim from the shadows to light by recognizing and accepting it. And ask yourself: do I want to be powerless or powerful? Then focus on taking your power back and being the creator.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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