Love and Harmony = Well-being
Healing Poems are blessed and charged with energy codes, energy healing and loving vibes. This one dives deep into love and harmony.
How to support yourself during life transitions
Are you going through life transitions and feeling negative? If yes, this post will help you out to overcome the negativity.
Start your inner fire
Healing Poems are blessed and charged with energy codes, energy healing and loving vibes. This is to remind you to start your inner fire.
6 ways to live in harmony
Close your eyes for a moment and repeat the word “harmony”. What comes up? I hear the orchestra playing, I see nature, inviting home, and a world where we all operate in peace. I feel love within. Harmony is one of my favorite words in this world, it simply has such beautiful high, in-tune vibration. When I look up the dictionary description of ‘harmony’ from Merriam-Webster, it says “pleasing arrangement of parts: Congruence” and ” internal calm: Tranquility”. I am sure we all want this but how can we achieve it? It starts with you and me. To create more…
How to prepare for the upcoming life transformation
This article is for all the dear Souls, who prepare for a big change in their lives, who currently are at the end of one cycle, or in between.
How to differentiate intuition from fear
How can you differentiate intuition from fear? What does intuition feel like? How does it feel in your body?
Spiritual perspective for decision making
John Lennon used to say “ life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans”. I never fully got his quote, until now.
Allow yourself to stop and find stillness
Next time when you struggle with not doing much, remember that the best gift you can give yourself is to find stillness.
What does living in 5D feel like?
I want to share with you the 4 most significant and most beautiful differences, I have experienced while living in the 5D love-based energy.
Create more conscious habits at home
In this post I talk about eight different habits at home that we can create to live more consciously.