How to clear the energy of second-hand furniture
Second-hand is such a trendy topic at the moment, but I have already been a big fan of second-hand furniture for years! I love it so much that, I decorated my old apartment in Amsterdam only with second-hand pieces. I carefully chose, cleaned, and cleared the energy of each piece of the old furniture and made a coherent ensemble of all the different styles.
I truly believe we should circulate and reuse more of the beautiful furniture that already exists on this planet. It is not just helping this planet and environment that we buy used furniture, but it can also make your home decor more unique and personal. It brings another dimension to your home and of course, you can save a lot of money when buying a piece of furniture used.
However, it is good to remember that furniture absorbs energy and carries an energetic imprint – which can be anything from uplifting to miserable. The older the furniture is, the more it has seen (and usually the more energy it carries). Maybe that is why we are attracted to old furniture as well. They tell so many interesting stories! They might have been inside someone’s house/office/store or even an old mental hospital. They have seen life. And here comes the BUT…
But we all need to understand is that this energy would need to be cleared. The old stories will stay (if you like them to stay), but after clearing the energy, the energy of the furniture becomes lighter and more beautiful. It will be easier to be next to the furniture, once it has been cleared. It will feel like it belongs to your home.
For example. You buy a gorgeous glass cabinet from a second-hand store but what you don’t know is that it comes from a Polish hospital from the 1940s. When you bring the furniture home, suddenly it does not fit your home, it does not feel good, it looks dirty, makes you feel nauseous or it feels like it has somehow a negative aura. You are feeling and seeing in action how the old energy is playing up. Even if you feel good next to the furniture, and it fits in, it still has to be cleared and attuned to your own home – to your energy.
So what can you do?
Always use natural (and if possible organic) detergent when washing the furniture. I usually wash it at least a few times, to make sure that I get all the dirt out.
This is the part that I was talking about. Sure, washing the item already clears some energy as well, but if no one has cleared the energetic imprint of the item, you really should do it.
You can do this in many, many ways. The easiest is to bless the item. Hold your hand on the furniture and say:
“I bless this furniture with love and violet holy light. I ask all (Angels, Spirit guides, God, the Universe, whichever heavenly support system you have with you) to clear the negative, positive and neutral energy of this furniture. The furniture is attuned to my home. ”
Repeat this so many times that you start to feel good. You can also create a different prayer, but remember to include in there that you are clearing the negative, positive and neutral energy. Always create a prayer/mantra with positive words (so leave out words like “don’t”, “not” etc).
Don’t bring anything broken to your home. As it is a big symbol that you are/will be also broken. However, some second-hand furniture might have some small cracks or the door knobs are missing. In that case, you should fix it. You could also paint the furniture to better fit the color palette of your home.
If you already have second-hand furniture at home, you should go to them one by one and bless them to remove the energy.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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