6 ways to increase the feeling of inner safety at home
Inner safety is related to your survival and security. It is an important cornerstone of your inner home, locating deep in your root chakra. But as within, so around. When you become conscious of your inner safety and nurture it, you see it everywhere, also, in your physical surroundings - your home. You can turn this to your advantage and include elements in your home that support your journey towards nurturing your safety within.
How strong is your inner safety? Are you aware of when it gets triggered? Do you feel safe within?
What about your home – when you look around: Do you feel safe in your home? Why and why not? What is the unsafest part of your home, something that you always think of “oh, that really should be fixed or changed”? What is the safest place in your home?
When you think about the above questions, you notice that your home can increase or decrease your feelings of inner safety.
Safety and security in our homes, can look different for everyone, as we feel safe on many levels: body/physical, mind/emotional, and soul/spiritual. And all these levels are connected and work together. But generally speaking, we think about locks in the doors, baby-proofed sockets, and paid housing loans. Safety means weatherproofed structures, new electronics, non-violent family members, and friendly neighborhoods.
But if you (or your family member) search for more robust inner safety, how could your home strengthen this need? What has been missing? What other, lesser-known, but highly effective ways are there to create a home that nurtures your safety and grounds you?
1. Visualize your safe space and then create it at home
Visualizing your safe space is the very first and most crucial step. So let´s do that together. This visualization intends to guide you to access the safest place for you in this Universe. A place that you can then recreate inside your actual home.
So close your eyes and breath deeply.
Ask the Angels, your Spirit Guides, and Mother Earth to protect you.
State your intention (e.g., The intent of this visualization is for me to access the safest place in this Universe.)
Then focus on that intention and feel yourself traveling to this location.
Once you are in this space, look around – where are you?
- What does it look and feel?
- What does it smell like?
- What colors do you see?
- What elements are there?
- What items are around you?
Then when you are ready, travel back to your body and state your gratefulness towards the guides with you.
When you come out of meditation, write down everything you experienced. And see if you can replicate any of those things into your existing home.
2. Ground your house
The land, founding of the house, and cellar form the root chakra of your home. However, even if your home has solid founding, your house might not be rooted enough to where it stands and planet Earth. So do a favor to your home and ground it. It is a super easy thing to do!
Close your eyes and feel or see your house. Then in your mind, start growing roots (like those roots trees and plants have). Imagine/feel the roots growing from the bottom of the house towards the centre of the planet Earth. Then once the roots feel strong, open your eyes.
Nature is a wonderful healer that increases your feeling of satefy within. Research also shows that living plants in homes have many health benefits, from increasing concentration levels to reducing stress in your body. Some plants, such as Aloe vera and Spider plan – are also excellent for cleaning toxins from the air. Living plants also strengthen the connection to Mother Earth, so stay away from dry flowers. As they can symbolize death, and their energy is stagnant.
Here are some other ways that bring nature into your home.
- Decorate with grounding crystals. Place them on tables, bookshelves etc.
- Add a mirror opposite a window – that will reflect the scenery (or greenery) you see from the window to the broader space inside.
- Hang images or paintings of nature. It does not matter if your decor is Scandinavian or Romantic, as pictures and art of nature fit any style.
- Add in platinum color to support the 5D energy of your house. Or decorate with earthly colors that increase the grounding of the home.
- Use materials that are from nature – if possible, always get organic. Leave out anything plastic, as those items are often toxic.
In my blog post: A blessing that protects your home from negative energy, I talk about the importance of protecting your home spiritually and teach you the technique on how to do that. When I enter a new home, I always create this energy protection. Then, if I feel the protection is diminishing, I repeat it a few more times. This energetic protection helps you strengthen all the actual locks you have in your home and protects you from negative energies.
5. HELP the unwanted spirits that MIGHT VISIT your home
Whenever I start talking about this topic, people get interested. Still, they are skeptical, even when many have sensed spirits in their home, summer cottage, or hotel room, for example. This feeling is nasty, gives us shivers, and takes away the feeling of safety.
You must first know that these unwanted spirits will not harm you. They are often the spirits of those who have once lived/spent lots of time in that space where you feel them. They have not been able to travel to the light and need guidance. I am talking about those spirits that some people call ghosts.
If my boyfriend and I sense their presence, he is always faster, saying aloud: “please leave us alone .” And that works, but actually, I always remind him that it does not help the spirit to leave this dimension. The blessing I mentioned in the previous chapter will eventually help them not enter your home. But if they do, you have to talk to them like you are talking to a friend. They might have a message they carry with them. If you are not ready to hear that, you need to imagine long ladders towards the sky, towards the light, and tell them that they need to climb the ladders. Remind them that they are safe. See, they also are in search of safety!
6. Decorate with pictures and items of your family and ancestors
As the root chakra is strongly related to family, community, and any tribe you are part of, what could be the ways to bring that more into your home? For example, I could think of putting happy pictures of your family on the window panel or framing the necklace of your grandma and putting it on the wall.
What about you? What other things could boost your inner safety inside your home?
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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