5 steps on how to start healing your anxiety
All my writings nowadays are messages channeled from above. Today, when I opened the gates for my channeling, The Universe guided me to YouTube. The first video I saw was from Lone Fox. (By the way, if you are interested in interior design, you should check him out. He creates beautiful spaces with the DIY method, a lower budget, and sparkling energy.) Today, he was not talking about interior design but his struggle with anxiety and insomnia. And one part of his video made me write this post. That was:
... but you really would not know (about my insomnia and anxiety), that is because I learned to hide it. But internally I feel so tense and anxious.
Zooming into those words that got my most immense attention, “I learned to hide it.” Those words hit me somewhere deep, as I have been sailing in the same boat for years. Not necessary with insomnia, as I sleep like a baby, but with my old friend, anxiety! I did not know what was causing the anxiety and panic attacks. I did not know, what to do with them. Therefore, I was scared to face the pain and the unknown. I was also afraid to tell others about my anxiety, even more, scared to show my ugly, shameful panic attacks. So, just like Drew (Lone Fox), I learned to hide it.
let’s take a step back. What is anxiety?
A few weeks ago, I talked with a 42-year-old man, who told me that he only had learned recently what anxiety was. All his friends told him how anxious they felt, while he kept wondering what anxiety was. I was not able to believe what he was saying. But, later, I realized that it was more about him not naming anxiety than about him not experiencing it because everyone has been anxious at least once.
So how would I describe anxiety to someone who would not know what it is? Anxiety was once explained to me like this:
Anxiety = worry in your mind + stress that it causes in your body.
And still today, I use that equation, as I feel it is such a simple way to explain it.
To heal your anxiety, you need to understand what you need
The more I blocked my anxiety and those panic attacks, the more I understood that this was not the way to make them disappear. The entire topic became like a pile of dirty dishes in the sink that started smelling more and more, but I was too lazy to wash. Then about 1.5 years ago, the day came when I said to myself: enough, let’s look and see what is going on within me.
So the next time, when I was feeling my anxiety culminating into a panic attack, I did not block it. Instead, I sat down, closed my eyes, and felt all the emotions, thoughts, and stress in my body.
I felt like I was dying. I was scared, lost, and felt like drowning. My body was tense, shaking, and sweating. My breathing was shallow and short. I was spinning in another darker dimension, not knowing how to pull myself back up. I cried. I cried for help from others.
I tested different methods that I had read and learned. I paid attention to what worked for me and what did not. I threw techniques into the trash that did not work and kept the ones that showed me some sparkles of light.
The biggest turn happened when I started to ask my inner child during the darkest panic moments, what did I need? What was behind my worry and stress?
She told me that I did not feel safe, and she needed to feel safe.
But the next time, when the panic attack hit me, I had already forgotten my need. My mind was a mess, I was crying, and my body was shaking. My boyfriend was trying to calm me down. It did not help. And then, out of nowhere, the Universe whispered to me that I needed safety. So I asked my boyfriend to tell me that I was safe. He did as I asked and kept telling me that I was safe. But nothing changed. A few minutes passed, and the same voice said to me that, no, Essi, YOU need to tell YOURSELF that you are safe. I felt my ego hesitate, but eventually, I told myself it and immediately started to feel calmer.
The deeper I went into these panic attacks, the deeper understanding I gained that only I could help myself out. Nowadays, I navigate smoother most of my panic attacks and anxiety. I now know what works during those moments, and I know what I need. The more I use my method, the more I am healing the unmet needs causing my anxiety.
5 steps to start healing your anxiety
I want to offer you my healing method for anxiety for free, as I want you to progress on your journey. I want everyone to be able to start healing their anxiety.
So here we go. These steps can be taken when you feel your anxiety rises or when you are in full panic attack mode.
Whenever you start experiencing your anxiety, stop pushing away what you feel. Be with it, sit with it. Find a space where you can be alone and face it. Allow it all to come out, and do not get too attached to it.
Focus on your breathing. Take deep inhales and exhales. That is the way to find calmness in your body, mind, and spirit. And the way to balance the spinning thoughts and tense body so that you can hear your inner self clearer.
Ask Angels, Universe, and Spirit Guides to help, guide, and protect you whenever you remember.
When your mind becomes clearer, and your body relaxes a bit, ask yourself, what do I need right now? Be open to the answer. It can come through as a thought, picture, or simply knowing. Once you have the answer, then tell/give it to yourself. In my case, I keep repeating “I am safe,” or sometimes I say to the little girl within, “you are safe.”
Once you feel better, say in your mind that you are releasing all the negativity and suffering to the Angels and Spirit Guides. Then ground yourself.
Just when I stopped writing the fifth point, this tiny, tiny white feather dropped on my laptop. It is a clear sign that the Angels and my Spirit Guides are here when I am writing this to you. They want you to know that you are loved and always guided. They are here to help you heal your anxiety. Because my dear, it is possible.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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