Your positive and uplifting self-talk balances your throat chakra
When you start healing your negative self-talk to have a more positive mindset, you start balancing your throat chakra. Because the throat chakra covers topics such as self-expression (from creativity to speaking), judgment, criticism, power to create, reaching your dreams, and communication, amongst other things. And as a center of communication and expressing your inner truth, it is linked to your self-talk and mindset.
Our minds are negatively biased, so everyone has some negative self-talk. That means your mind collects and stores everything negative easier than anything positive.
You can – and should – reprogram your mind towards a more positive mindset and turn negative core beliefs and words into positive ones. However, you will still have different types of saboteurs throughout your life in your mind, who will jump into to make your life more difficult. But the difference is that when you start working on your self-talk, you will become more conscious of these mind saboteurs and know how to transform them into positive cheerleaders.
To start balancing your throat chakra, become more conscious of your self-talk. Explore it, accept, forgive, and offer some empathy to yourself:
– In your daily life, pay attention to how you talk about yourself to others. What words do you use to describe yourself, especially in negative situations? So, for example, if you make a mistake and tell someone about it: are you using words such as I was stupid, I was an idiot, etc.?
– When you feel anything negative, pause and pay attention to the story in your mind.
– When you see yourself in the mirror – what is the first thing that comes to mind?
Feel your feelings and Let go of the negative
I know this is easier said than done, but when you notice that negative self-talk moment, first feel your feelings, and then ask yourself:
– What are the words you tell yourself and why?
– Whatever comes up – ask if this is the absolute truth that comes from your heart.
– Understand that no matter what has happened and where the story is coming from, you are the one who controls your mind and your reactions. Only you can change your thoughts and take your inner power back. Your mind will want to keep onto the negative words and wants that they spin even more in your mind, but you have the power to choose to let them go.
– You can also do inner child work, energy healing, breath, shadow work, etc., if more profound release is needed.
Remember that when you start transforming your mindset to be more positive, 20% is about the insight, and 80% is about practicing it daily. So changing your negative self-talk will take some time – be patient!
Interested to continue balancing your throat chakra so that you can express yourself from your heart?
Then read this post.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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