You need space to create a life transformation
YES, I can have everything I am yearning for.
YES, I can transform my life.
YES, I can live my dream.
What comes to your mind when you read the three sentences above?
Inspiration? Motivation?
Or perhaps that inspiration mixes with a realistic point of view.
Or maybe it does feel like an unrealistic and unreachable fairy tale, far, far away. A beautiful utopia made of clouds, rainbows, and sunshine. Because it is not your reality, and most likely not the reality of the closest people to you either.
We need life transformation, not change to reach further
At one point, I also saw it as a fairytale that was accessible for some, but not me. My self-doubt had stepped in and questioned everything. It frustrated me that I had created so many life changes but was still not living the life of my dreams.
But only after studying self-transformation and being a real-life student of it. I realized that we need life transformation, not change, to reach further in life and make our wildest dreams a reality.
Some transitions and life transformations happen naturally, and some are easier than others. Our journeys in this life are individual, so are the transformations we have already experienced. For example, you most likely have graduated from a school or stepped into a new relationship. You got married, or you became a parent, and so on. In this post, I am referring more to transformations that you are yearning for at the moment. I am talking about your dreams that are not (yet) real.
change and life transformation are not the same
Our inner growth journey needs changes and transformation, and it is good to remember that they are different things. Not all change is transformation. But all transformation is change.
Change is constant and part of our daily life. When we change something, we find better solutions that fix the outcome into something we want.
Transformation is about emerging into something beyond our reality. It asks us to connect to the most powerful part of the self. And then setting a vision from this space that supports our deepest desires —then moving onto creating that transformation, releasing the old so that the new can be born.
And this all needs space.
Transformation needs space in your body, mind, and spirit. Space like this:
Transformation does not happen inside the old story that keeps repeating in your mind. It does not occur in the old story you carry in your body, nor the old story attached to your energy. The old story needs to be recognized, acknowledged, accepted, and released. After the release, there is this beautiful space you need.
Transformation needs a vision that comes from your deepest desires
Transformation emerges from this new vision that you plant within you. It is your job to nurture and water that vision – and to keep it alive, also during the moments when you drop into self-doubt and your old story. Because those moments will come, they always do. But the stronger you believe in your new vision, the easier it is for you to get up from the darkness. So, my dear, do not give up.
Your new vision should be like a bright light bulb that is always on, like a sparkling inner fire that always feels warm within. That is where the spirit of transformation lives.
Remember that you have your dreams so that you can reach for them.
And as you already have dreams, then somewhere within you lives that inner spark of transformation, waiting to be seen, heard, and believed.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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