Unlock your inner growth by changing perception
I once asked someone what success means to him. He said two words:
INNER GROWTH. That moment changed the way I now see inner growth.
Inner growth holds such magnificent energy and all the potential. It means that you are evolving and changing. Your energy is expanding and forming into a new perception. From this new, fresh space you get to reach higher than where you were previously.
Inner Growth can be painful
We all know that the actual inner growth process can be difficult and painful. It asks us to let go and leave behind the old – old ideas, thoughts, beliefs, habits and obstacles. During the process, we might laugh. Cry. Be sad or even angry. All the emotions and feelings that come to the surface are normal. We are simply releasing energy that is no longer needed, the energy that we have suppressed within us and carried in our mind, body, and spirit for too long. And it is this old energy that has stopped us from growing.
When we leave behind the old, we make space for something new that moves us further on our path. And oh boy, that can feel so uncertain, as suddenly we have stepped away from our comfy and familiar old space and we are facing something that we are not used to. This can certainly bring up anxiety and feelings of being lost.
In that point, it is good to remember that this too shall pass. There will be a day, when we know that our energy has fully changed. The day, when we just know that we have evolved into something new, and perhaps we have reached our dreams, or at least are a few steps closer!
You hold the keys within to unlock your inner growth
To unlock the inner growth journey, we must know that:
- We can grow. There is a way, there always is.
- We shall grow. To reach higher, we must grow.
We must raise our energy to the level of knowledge that we hold the keys within to unlock our inner growth journey. This will make us to look at the topic where we would like to grow from a new angle. Instead of saying: I do not know what to do, there is no way out, this is just who I am, we should say: I know what to do, there always is a way, I can change.
When people come to my coaching & healing session, they suddenly start to realize that they have all the power within them to grow and start moving in the direction they wish. I receive similar feedback after each of the sessions. “Essi, I feel so light, clear, and certain.” They feel connected, and they know the answers are within them. Their perception has changed from being lost with whatever topic they are working on to trusting and knowing.
I wish everyone on this planet would remember that they hold such a strong power within them. We all have the keys within us to change our perception. And it is our job to use these keys to unlock the inner growth journey.
I have been there as well - and still am. It is a journey of a lifetime
Before my conversation with that man about success and inner growth, I was ashamed of my inner growth process. I saw it as a negative thing. Rarely did I talk to people about it, as I felt there was something wrong within me that I did not want anyone else to know. I was afraid of being vulnerable. But after that conversation, I changed my perception of this topic.
Because I too have been on a massive inner growth journey, especially during the past few years. I realized that my life was repeating the same cycles and I had stopped growing. I had to push myself to leave the old cycles behind so that I can have my dreams come true. I have a very long list of topics I have been working on with myself from loneliness, inner safety, visitability, toxic relationships, anxious attachment, self-love to sacred feminine and fear of rejection.
After months of struggling on my most recent journey on differentiation, the day arrived that I felt very much changed. I had reached a new level and this uplifted energy was shining everywhere! One morning my boyfriend looked at me at breakfast and said “wow, you have grown so much this year. It is unbelievable, good job! You are suddenly so differentiated”. “I know”, I said back and smiled. Sure, it was nice to hear that compliment, but I smiled because I felt it too and was super-hyper proud after the long, very long journey I had been walking. And that journey also started with changing my perception of differentiation.
How can you unlock - right now- the inner growth journey?
- Think about the topic that has been in your mind for a while now – a topic that you know, you should work on, but have pushed aside many times.
- Bring your new awareness and growth mindset to this topic.
- Be still and sit with this old topic and new awareness. Feel how this makes you feel. What types of emotions does it bring to your mind, body, and soul?
- Bring your hands to your heart center and breath deeply.
- You can stay here – or repeat this as many times as you wish. If you want to move further, do the following steps:
- Ask the Universe to deliver you a sign on the next step. In your mind, say something along the lines, “Dear Universe, I would like to receive clear guidance on the next step”.
- Then allow it to be and trust that the next step will open up.
- Stay open for the sign. It can come to you in many ways. And it can take a few days to arrive. Usually, it arrives when you least expect it! If it does not arrive, repeat all this and tell the Universe that you missed the sign and need a clearer one.
It all starts with changing perception. That's what happened to me when I had that talk about success - it raised my consciousness and unlocked a part of my journey.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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