How to start balancing throat chakra to express yourself from your heart
Today there is a spirit guide writing this text together with me. He is gently nudging me to type faster, as this information is so relevant for everyone. It is about your voice. My voice. Our voice. It is about the throat chakra and the current state of planet Earth.
If you are not familiar with chakras, you can read more about them here. That articles gives you an overview of the main 7 chakras and a short summary of the throat chakra.
The throat chakra does not get as much attention as some of the other ones. We talk about the third eye, heart, crown, or root chakra and forget the throat! I also did forget mine until I realized that I might have hypothyroidism. O-ou. My self-expression had vanished too far, and now even my body was giving me the signals! I had to stop and look within because I knew my silence had created this all.
Almost everyone has blockages on throat chakra
In the sessions I do, I almost always see some blockages on the throat chakra. Before you read further, it is good to know that I see things via symbols. So, in the healings, I have turned many frozen necks into pure sunshine. I have released the energetic attachments that are tightly around peoples’ necks. I have broken the walls built to block self-expression. So that people could express themselves more freely. There should not be anything frozen, or anything tight, or any walls.
I also have seen that the energy connection between the throat and heart chakra in some cases is blocked. Or even non-existent. There should be an open channel where energy flows freely between your self-expression and your heart. Then it is easy to express from your heart, speak your inner-truth, talk about your needs, wants, and desires.
Behind the collective throat chakra energy is fear
My eyes are wide open at the moment for all the unbalanced throat chakras and non-existent throat/heart connections. I notice how people are being censored (even one of my social media posts was). I see all the fearful messaging around me, all those words of control, ugly blaming, and fighting. I hear the words of fear. I am seeing how some people are scared to say anything. Some are unable to find the words, while some are yelling. It is very challenging to express yourself freely and openly as the tension is too high. And the collective unbalanced throat chakra energy is not helping either.
If we can step outside of this collective unbalanced state, we notice there is one thing behind it. It is fear. Often, if you look further, there also is a scared little inner-child whose needs are not met. When I had to stop, I also met the little girl within me who needed space to express herself. She looked at me with her big eyes, unable to say a word until, in my meditation, I lifted her to my arms and hugged her. I told her how she had every right to express herself, how she was safe and valued.
but we can change this!
Bless those people who can express themselves in a balanced way at the moment. It gives us hope to see them here and there. I also do see people whose connection between the throat and heart chakra is wide open. Their words shine, vibrate and feel so good, loving. But I do know that those people also drop to this unbalanced collective feeling now and then. But the difference is that they lift themselves back up.
The truth is that at the moment, the world needs us to balance our throat chakras. It asks us to open the connection between the throat and heart so that we can speak up our inner-truth and express ourselves from the space of love. The planet Earth and all of us need everyone’s help.
Are you ready to help?
If you are, there are a few different ways to help, depending on where you are on your journey.
For those wanting to open and balance their throat chakra
Meditate on your throat chakra. Take a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and bring your hands around your neck. Ask Universe, angels, your spirit guides to help you open the chakra. Imagine pure violet light spinning clockwise. It can be around your neck, in front or back, whichever is best for you. Allow it to cleanse the energy as long as needed. After, remember to say thanks to the universal helpers!
Let’s do some journaling. Take a pen and a notebook and start answering the below questions.
- When you think about self-expression, what does that mean to you?
- How would you like to express yourself better?
- In what ways are you currently expressing yourself, and why? E.g., you might be dancing or painting.
- What ways of self-expression are difficult for you, and who or what is stopping you?
- In your daily life, be conscious about what you wrote down and express yourself even more. Focus on the easy ways for you, but start bringing those other more challenging ways to your life as well.
- Turn a blank piece of paper in the notebook. Address the text you are about to write to the Universe, Angels, Spirit guides, etc. Write down everything you would like to say right now. Write down all those words that are difficult and painful for you to express. End the letter with your signature and date. Please do not send the letter anywhere. Keep it somewhere safe, in a place where only you have access.
For those wanting to open the throat/heart connection
Connect with your heart
- Meditate on your heart’s desire. Take a comfortable seated position, close your eyes and bring your hands on top of your heart. Listen to its whispers. What is it that you need and want?
- Keep your needs and desires in your awareness. And find a way to express those to you and anyone involved in any form. If speaking is difficult, do it via art, music, writing, or sport.
If you are not sure if you express yourself with a loving vibe or not, ask if it is coming from the space of love or fear. Love feels flowing, easy, happy, uplifting, light, etc. In contrast, fear feels heavy, controlling, stagnant, negative, etc. Listen openly to the first answer that comes to your mind. If it is fear, ask yourself what my heart says about this. If it is already from the space of love, then freely express it!
For those wanting to focus on lifting planet Earth's vibration
- I encourage you to come out of your shadows if you are hiding. The world needs your voice! The world wants to hear you expressing yourself. Spread the loving words everywhere around you. Smile at unhappy people. Tell someone that you see, hear or feel them. Spread inspiration wherever you go.
- Focus on expressing the good, and it multiplies.
- Shine your inner light in your unique way via blogging, writing poems, talking, laughing, etc.
As always, my dear superstar, we are on this journey together. Remember that we have the right to express ourselves. We have freedom of speech. The more we focus on our healing journey, the more we lift the collective energy of this planet. So let's bring more love and harmony to our lives and this planet with our example.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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