How to balance your earth star chakra?
The earth star chakra is below your root chakra and your feet. It lies deep in the Earth and is the soil where your root chakra grows and the foundation of a well-balanced life on planet Earth. This chakra connects your soul to your body and Mother Earth - and is one of the chakras that opens the quickest, outside the seven main chakras, when your energy vibration rises. When the earth star chakra opens, I often see it like an earth is shaking underneath your feet - it is that intense energy.
Earth star chakra connects you to the physical location where you are supposed to be right now – and the direction on planet Earth, where you are supposed to go. When the chakra opens or gets balanced, it can suddenly move your physical locations. You also start feeling connected to random places where you need to go – or even move.
When I moved countries a few years back, I saw my earth star chakra changing locations underneath my feet – transferring me energetically to the new location. It was not an easy self-healing session to go through, as I saw my roots were dug from the Earth (and from the Netherlands, where I had been living) and I was guided into uncertainty. During the period of uncertainty, I saw how the roots were transferred into my new location. Then my roots were planted in my new home. However, after that healing, I felt I had let go of the old place and felt genuinely rooted in my new home.
Earth star chakra is also strongly related to your life purpose and mission on Earth. It is all about your deeper purpose and why you came here. So when your purpose is lost, you should focus on connecting with earth star and to the things that bring you joy right now. Often during significant life transformations, your life purpose evolves with you.
For example, some time ago, when I balanced my client’s earth star chakra in the 1:1 coaching & healing session, I saw her purpose evolving. The new purpose brought her much more joy than the old one, and she got clarity and certainty that she was ready to make it happen. What that meant in her life was that she started a new company and finally changed her name, something she had wanted to do for some time.
So, my dear, this chakra has a powerful connection to your life. Like with all chakras, opening and balancing this chakra can make some big moves within and around you.
But how can you start balancing and opening yours? Below I will give you 3 tips on how to do that.
3 ways to balance your earth star chakra
1. Focus on grounding
One way to deeply connect with this chakra is grounding. Spend time bare feet outside and feel the roots growing from your feet towards your earth star chakra below your feet. Feel how safe and strong it makes you feel. There are many other ways to ground also – you should check them out here.
2. Visualize your earth star chakra
Find a quiet spot where you can spend some time alone. Then close your eyes and focus first on your breathing – feel how grounding it is.
Then ask the Universe/angels/spirit guides/goddesses etc., to help you visualize this chakra. Next, bring your attention to your earth star chakra and allow yourself to imagine it. How does it look like, feel, sound, and smell? What else comes to your mind when you focus on this chakra – is there a message you are hearing? Or a symbol you are seeing? Spend a moment connecting with this chakra before you open your eyes. Remember to thank the spiritual support system who was there with you!
3. Connect with Mother Earth
Earth star chakra teaches you many things and firmly asks you to connect with Mother Earth because that is where the chakra locates. So start connecting deeper with Mother Earth in your daily life. Think about ways:
– How could you be more connected to nature?
– How could you spend more time in nature?
– How could you better experience the beauty of nature?
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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