How inner safety and energetic protection transform in 5D
5D consciousness is about choosing to live from the perspective of love over suffering. And to live from the perspective of love, you need to feel safe. Even if love and safety are separate, they live in a symbiosis of oneness.
You will now learn about how your inner safety and energetic protection transform in 5D consciousness, as you are asked to take your power back and recreate the way you feel safe.
Do external things make you feel safe?
Your inner safety is a strong yet lovingly soft light of grounded protection. In the 3D & 4D way of living paradigm, your safety comes from the light that surrounds you, near and far. Sometimes you feel it within, but mostly the safety cocoon around you is built upon external things: your work, career, family, home, money, government, authorities, spirit guides, angels, etc. And all those things should make you feel safe also in the 5th dimension – but they should not be your ONLY source of safety.
Because what happens when these lights are switched off?
Will you still feel genuinely safe?
New inner safety
When you connect with 5D consciousness, the light transforms: it starts to shine from within. It comes from you and surrounds you. It is breathing, changing, and transforming. Like a wind of protection, it knows when to be stronger, when it can be lighter. No one is controlling it because it is within. You allow it to shine. You receive the protection that you feel within. You are the light of inner safety.
And so, everything else becomes the icing on the cake. Your home continues to offer you a safe space. The money you have in your life helps nourish yourself and offers you a more comprehensive range of options. Your family, partner, and friends are your safe, loving community. And so on. They all boost your new inner safety.
The difference between the old and new is that the perspective changes. The coin is flipped and it will land the other way around. You go from relying on and searching for safety from what’s around you to now connecting with your inner safety.
But they all had a connection: FEAR. And all those fears were stopping me from being me and living the life I love.
Spiritual protection & your inner safety
What about spiritual protection? Will the angels still protect you, if you ask? Can you still place yourself in the violet (or golden) light bubble of protection?
Yes, please ask for the protection of the angels! They will continue protecting you and always come when you need them. However, you will feel the change in working with them. This is because you don’t give your power to them to only take care of you. Instead, they are right next to you, working together with you, helping you to feel safer.
The same with the energetic protection of light bubbles that most of us have learned to use. You can still use that protection, but you realize that you need it less and less, as that same energy of the bubble is now inside you. Nevertheless, you notice that sometimes, you will need a bubble of protection, and your intuition will tell you so when required.
My journey of inner safety
When I first profoundly connected with my inner safety a few years ago – it was such an intense experience that I felt safe to start my own company. This strong, rooted feeling had landed within me that I knew I would survive on my own. Ironically, like with all healing journeys, I was thinking, “This is now resolved, and I can move on.” Usually, the opposite is true: it’s the start of the journey.
Also, with me and my inner safety.
That strong connection of my inner safety made me feel safe enough to start looking within and healing the deepest false safety walls I have been carrying. Most of the work I have done by myself, but I also have had MANY different coaches and healers helping me. Because even if I felt safe, I still wanted extra safety to look within and process things.
After connecting with my inner safety, I have discovered many walls, stones, vails, and curtains of protection that I have carried within me from my childhood, parallel lives, or even from adulthood in this life. All those false safety nets have offered me some protection in the past but do not serve me anymore. Some were 100% trauma-based learned models. Some were random connections of things. But they all had a connection:
Fear. And all those fears were stopping me from being me and living the life I love.
After transforming these energies of false safety – things started to transform in my life. My life as an entrepreneur changed. I started taking more significant risks. I was not feeling anymore that I needed to survive. I began to love myself.
And then the day arrived when in the coaching session I saw how I broke that energetic safety bubble around me that was stopping me from forming true connections. And in that session, I build my inner safety from inwards to shine outwards.
And you can do that too!
Channeled message from Archangel Gabriel
Feel safe, my child. Nurture yourself to feel safe. In your loving arms. Knowing you are always protected by yourself – and others. Allow your inner safety to inhale and exhale. Allow it to give and receive. Allow it to shine from within. Remove the old false layers. They are not needed. You are the protection. You are the safety. We are here to expand your safety. Your home, career, job, money, family, partner, and all other things expand the energy within.
Look within your heart & soul
I get that inner safety is not the sexiest healing topic to talk about, but it is something you should look into to regain your power fully. It is something your self-love needs. You need this light within you to shine because it is one of the most fundamental things about you and in the roots of your root chakra.
I am here for you, when you are ready to look within. Click here to read more about how I can help you.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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