Create more conscious habits at home
I just spent 1h surrounded by darkness and candles as I had switched off all electronics and lights to honor the Earth Hour. In this beautiful silent darkness, I connected to the energies of Mother Earth, who was gratefully enjoying our conscious movement. But while I travelled deeper into my mediation, I was reminded how this yearly Earth Hour event, should be a daily habit. Our home and our living habits should respect this planet every day, all the time – and we need to remember we are renting Mother Earth’s land. With taking this all into consideration, what simple things could you do at home to live more consciously and help Mother Earth?
Switch off the lights
Switch off the lights when you are not in the room. When you are in the room, you also do not need all lights to be on. This does not only help the planet; it also saves your money! If you need extra light, you can use natural and sustainable candles.
Think about cutting out toxic detergents – this goes with cleaning the home, washing your clothes and yourself. The most common detergents include toxic chemicals that will be in the air and around you when you use those products. Once you rinse the washing cloth in a sink, you release these toxic chemicals back to nature. Use products that are eco-friendly, organic and sustainable. If you pay close attention, you can find these products from a regular supermarket, or at least from organic supermarkets. The price still is a bit higher but consider it an investment towards yourself, your family and this planet.
Everything and anything. No more excuses – you are responsible for starting this process, no one else does it for you. The more you recycle, the easier it gets, as you are creating a habit out of it. Also, the more you recycle, the more your eyes open up to see how much plastic, batteries etc. You use without noticing. After you see the pile of plastic you are consuming, it makes you want to buy less products that are wrapped in it.
Most of us take water for granted, especially in the Northern part of Europe. We are blessed to be surrounded by drinking water and sometimes forget ourselves to daydream under a hot shower, which comes from the same source than our tap water. I get that the most significant ideas always appear to us at the shower but be conscious of the time spend there, as we all need to save water!
Take it easy with the heating system or air conditioner
In those countries where the heat goes up to +40 Celsius there is a need for aircon. I also know that you would like to have the heating during the cold winter months for example in Finland, where the winters can be harsh with the temperature dropping to – 40 Celsius. I grew up in a big and old Finnish wooden house, where during winter months, we only used heating in a few rooms, to save energy and money. Of course, you should look more into detail which electricity provider and energy rating you have, but as a first step you can consider only heating/cooling a part of your house.
Buy second-hand furniture and clothing
Save the nature and get rid of the old believes that secondhand furniture and clothing are disgusting or dirty. Vintage is back in the fashion and second-hand stores are full of unique treasures, waiting for a new home!
You don't need to do laundry continuously
If you have small kids at home, you might need to do laundry more often, but if you are single or living with a partner, there is no need to wash your clothes continuously. If the piece is dirty or sweaty, wash it. If not, you can allow it to air outside in the garden or balcony. In Finland, especially in the cold winter time, we even clean our rugs in the snow!
Use public transportation, walk or bike
One of the things I love about Amsterdam is that almost no one has a car – and we bike everywhere. We all should be conscious of our travel style – with not only long-distance trips, but also the short trips in your neighborhood. Do you need to drive to the supermarket? What about next time walking, taking the bus or biking?
If all the above feel overwhelming and you are not sure where to start, then pick one of the topics that attract you the most and commit to it. Our Mother Earth is grateful even for a smallest change towards becoming more conscious.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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