Create a Healing Home, Energy Work & Clearing, Healing Decor, Inner Safety, Unleash your true nature
6 ways to increase the feeling of inner safety at home
When you are conscious of your inner safety, it is everywhere. Turn this to your advantage and add elements in your home to support your safety within.
A blessing that protects your home from negative energy
It is so vital that you protect your home energetically. When you do that, it helps you prevent unwanted, negative energies from coming into your home.
How to find your purpose in life
Our purpose in life is the northern star, shining the brightest light while guiding us on our path.
5 steps on how to start healing your anxiety
All my writings nowadays are messages channeled from above. Today, when I opened the gates for my channeling, The Universe guided me to YouTube. The first video I saw was from Lone Fox. (By the way, if you are interested in interior design, you should check him out. He creates beautiful spaces with the DIY method, a lower budget, and sparkling energy.) Today, he was not talking about interior design but his struggle with anxiety and insomnia. And one part of his video made me write this post. That was: … but you really would not know (about my insomnia…
You need space to create a life transformation
YES, I can have everything I am yearning for. YES, I can transform my life. YES, I can live my dream. What comes to your mind when you read the three sentences above? Inspiration? Motivation? Or perhaps that inspiration mixes with a realistic point of view. Or maybe it does feel like an unrealistic and unreachable fairy tale, far, far away. A beautiful utopia made of clouds, rainbows, and sunshine. Because it is not your reality, and most likely not the reality of the closest people to you either. We need life transformation, not change to reach further At one…
How to start balancing throat chakra to express yourself from your heart
Today there is a spirit guide writing this text together with me. He is gently nudging me to type faster, as this information is so relevant for everyone. It is about your voice. My voice. Our voice. It is about the throat chakra and the current state of planet Earth. If you are not familiar with chakras, you can read more about them here. That articles gives you an overview of the main 7 chakras and a short summary of the throat chakra. The throat chakra does not get as much attention as some of the other ones. We talk…
Unlock your inner growth by changing perception
I once asked someone what success means to him. He said two words: INNER GROWTH. That moment changed the way I now see inner growth. Inner growth holds such magnificent energy and all the potential. It means that you are evolving and changing. Your energy is expanding and forming into a new perception. From this new, fresh space you get to reach higher than where you were previously. Inner Growth can be painful We all know that the actual inner growth process can be difficult and painful. It asks us to let go and leave behind the old – old…
Your home is your mirror
A lot is spoken about how the relationships are your mirror, but little is talked about how also your home is a true mirror of yourself.
Get inspired by Scandinavian style mood board
Step inside this Scandinavian-style mood board and feel the vibes of the healing forest.
How to clear the energy of second-hand furniture
Furniture absorbs energy. This post tells you how and why you should clear this old energy of second-hand furniture.