The Healing Home Healed A Part Of Me
Today, I'm talking about my journey of becoming visible with the Healing Home concept and how the Healing Home healed something within me.
What is the Soul? Unveiling Its Meaning and Essence
Discover what soul is and start exploring deeper the connection you have with your soul. Read now and start your soul journey.
ETTINORDIC x Piettolan Tila: Is My Sensitivity Too Much?
Today, I'm talking about sensitivity, my superpower. But sometimes, I wonder if it's too much. Am I too much?
ETTINORDIC x Piettolan Tila: My Dream Unfolds
Laura Strömberg hired me for Piettolan Tila's interior design while I was still a student, drawn to my unique, deeper perspective on homes.
A Case Study: Master Bedroom Redesign in Finland – The Sanctuary of Rest
A case study of a project for a DIY couple who needed help redesigning their master bedroom to be the sanctuary of rest and tranquility.
Revealing the Magic: What Is Channeling And How It Works
Discover what channeling is, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Read now for a deeper understanding.
Scandinavian Style Home Decor Sample Board
This sample board was created as a study assignment for a home that we had to digitally draw from scratch by following the design brief.
A Soulful Walk: Try This Simple Self-Connection Practice
Discover the transformative power of a soulful walk. Dive into inner harmony with every step during this self-connection practice. Read more
The New Earth Creator Definition: Are You One of Us?
In this post, I talk about the definition of the New Earth Creator and unveil the essence of the New Earth Creator lifestyle. Read now.
Transform Your Home – Discover the Power of Energy Clearing
This post talks about the power of energy clearing and dives deeper into a moment when I cleared the energy of a new century-old home.