The 7 main chakras in 3D and 5D
Chakras are energy centers inside and outside your body for the universal energy to fly in and out. In your body, you have 7 main chakras, each representing specific areas of your life. But, as your consciousness rises with the planet Earth towards 5D energy, more chakras open up. In 5D vibration, the traditional 7 chakras also transform and eventually form a shape of a light pillar. This post will go through all seven main chakras and how they vibrate in the 3rd and 5th-dimensional world. Let's start with the root chakra!
3D color: Red
The root chakra represents the basic needs in your life, such as security, water, food, shelter, and money. It is located in the base of your spine and is connected to the immune system, legs, rectum, bones, spine, and physical structure.
It is the foundation for all the other chakras. Just like a tree is connected to the earth with its roots, so is the root chakra’s energy connecting you to this life to stand strong, shine inner safety, and be grounded to this planet. Thus, the energy is feminine as it resonates with earth’s energies and Mother Earth.
The root chakra is all about the collective experience and your roots, such as the family, tribe, ancestors, community, culture, and country you live in. The biggest lessons it teaches you are finding inner safety, creating a secure environment for your family, healing ancestor lines, fulfilling basic needs, and working through the deepest fears, such as the fear of loneliness.
5D color: Platinum
When living in 5D energy, you are connected to your inner safety, which creates a healthy foundation for your entire life. All your basic needs are filled, and you live in harmony with your family and have a beautiful tribe around you. You spiritually work with your ancestors and allow them to guide you. You stand firm and receive from Mother Earth all her abundance that flows in your life without any attachment. Your 5D roots connect you to the 5th dimensional earth star chakra, where the knowledge about your purpose in life is located.
In 5D energy, your root chakra turns to shine platinum color and will help you ascend by connecting you with I AM energy. This I AM energy is your roots to all that is.
I am everything. I am collective. I am.
3D color: Orange
The sacral chakra is located in the genitals, colon, hips, lower back, womb, lower belly, and bladder area. It is represented by the water element and connected to your sexuality and relationships. In my coaching & healing sessions, I see your relationship struggles – with your partners, parents, and kids in this chakra. I also often see spider nets in this chakra, representing all the networks you have created in your life. This chakra holds the energy of creation, birth, and rebirth – transformation – and is where your creativity starts.
The biggest lessons the sacral chakra teaches you are connected to your sexuality, the power struggles, and the need to control romantic, business, friendship, or family-related relationships – due to fears. You tend to hold many emotions in this area of your body, and releasing these emotions is needed. In addition, this chakra teaches you to cope with uncertainty during transformation.
5D color: Pink
In the 5D energy, you shine your pure light and only attract people around you who fully accept your soul. Toxic relationships are history, and the power struggles are gone.
You receive and give all that is. You understand that uncertainty is a great mystery, and you create new things from the beautiful darkness of the Universe. Your sexual energy flows freely and passionately. When this chakra is open, you connect to pure, unconditional love, so the chakra changes into pink.
3D Color: Yellow
Solar plexus chakra holds extremely powerful energy and is about you. It is located in the navel area all the way to the breastbone, representing your abdomen, stomach, liver, gall bladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and the middle part of the spine.
This chakra is all about you the relationship you have with yourself. It holds your inner power and symbolizes your stamina, self-esteem, and the power of self-care. For this reason, it is connected to the fire element: fire within you. When this fire is burning, you are not in the victim mindset but the creator of your life who sets clear, healthy boundaries with others.
In my coaching & healing sessions I meet many negative core beliefs connected to this chakra, such as I cannot do this, I don’t have what it takes, and I am not worthy.
5D color: Gold
The 5D solar plexus chakra changes into golden light. It holds a psychic connection to read the energy around you. As your inner power burns brightly, you are who you truly are and follow the soul path you are supposed to walk in this life. You make decisions listening to your own truth and authentically take actions aligned with your heart and soul.
3D color: Green
The heart chakra connects the body’s lower physical and upper spiritual chakras. It holds all the emotions and is located in the middle of the chest, in your heart area. It covers the heart, blood circulation, breasts, chest, shoulders, and lungs. And so, the element is air.
The heart chakra is seen as one of the most important chakras, as it has the power to build with love and destroy with hate.
The lessons of self-love, love, romantic love and opening up to unconditional love towards self and others are some of the most important lessons to learn with this chakra. In addition, it teaches you the power of forgiveness and helps you find hope and commitment.
The heart chakra is always shown during my healings as a chamber with some closed doors. It is normal to have your heart closed due to all the different types of heartbreaks you have experienced in this – or your parallel lives. However, once the doors are opened in the healing, I find a fearful inner child who needs nurturing – who needs you. Once you nurture this inner child with love and fill the needs of your inner child, you start openly receiving and giving love from a healthy, loving space.
5D color: White, with touches of pink
In 5D, you lead with your heart rather than your mind and live a heart-centered life. You experience higher vibrational unconditional love all around you: in the eyes of strangers and in the voices of your family members. The heart chakra becomes the center of the inner truth – and you can only live your life from a truthful space.
The color of this chakra changes from green to white.
3D color: Blue
The throat chakra’s element is space, and it is located in your throat and is connected to the mouth, neck, thyroid, and teeth. This chakra stores lots of emotions and trauma, and that energy should be released.
The throat chakra is about self-expression, beliefs, critique, and communication. It holds the energy of your ability – or struggles – to make choices in life. And so, it is also connected to you going after your dreams and manifesting the life you genuinely want to live. Because that asks a lot of willpower to decide.
It reminds us that happy, truthful, positive thoughts lead to the right words and actions. Always speak the words of love rather than fear, and always have communication channels open. Don’t allow others to silence or stop you from expressing your wisdom.
5D color: Electric blue
The 5th-dimensional throat chakra is electric blue. This chakra allows you to communicate openly from your soul and express the absolute truth from your heart. Your dreams become your daily life as you manifest from the spiritual, the physical world.
Once your throat chakra is in 5th-dimensional vibration, you heal people around you with your voice.
3D color: Indigo
The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows and is connected to your brain, nerve system, eyes, ears, pineal gland, nose, and pituitary gland. It is the center of your awareness.
Via the third eye chakra, you are connected to your reasoning, intuition and knowledge that you do not see with your physical eyes. In addition, this chakra is the portal toward visualization and imagination. The element of this chakra is light.
Emotional wisdom, truth, intelligence, and openness to others’ ideas are part of this chakra’s emotional and spiritual nature.
5D color: Crystal
The third eye and crown chakra become one in the 5th-dimensional living. Once this chakra has opened, the entire spirit world becomes part of your life, and you fully open yourself to all Clair-abilities (Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairhearing, Clairknowing).
3D color: Violet
The crown chakra is located on the top of your head. It opens you up to all higher energies, higher chakras, higher consciousness, Divine, and ALL that is.
It reminds you that life is so much more than a material journey. The element of the crown chakra is thought. And so, in my healings, I always make time to help you release the spinning throughs from your mind and gain clarity.
On the emotional and spiritual level, topics such as religion, spirituality, the ability to see things from a higher perspective, joy, and trust in life, are related to the crown chakra.
5D color: Crystal
In the 5th dimensional living, the crown chakra expands even more to receive guidance on your soul journey, and like an antenna, it receives energies and messages from all of the higher dimensions and higher chakras.
Now that you have read about the 7 main chakras in 3D and 5D, you should CLICK HERE to check out the other chakras that open up in the 5D energy.
Updated: 29/11/2022
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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