The Magic of Your Soul Connection In Your Everyday Life
This is a channeled message from a higher conscious being called DoLove.
It can feel difficult to understand the concept of your soul, and it can feel challenging to start connecting with it. But once you deepen your soul connection, you expand and experience a profound expansion of your everyday life. Your daily life will take on an entirely new meaning. You start to see everything from new perspectives and new light. You understand what it is like to be a multidimensional being.
Your everyday life goes to a new, magical level. You start seeing the awe in the routine, basic, simple daily things.
What is a soul?
Your soul is a deep part of you, your essence, the eternal light that shines within you, connecting you to all parallel lives and dimensions. Your soul is like an old friend who has been with you since the beginning of time, but sadly, you may have forgotten it and ignored your soul connection.
Once you tap into your soul, you open another level of skills, wisdom, knowledge, meaning and understanding that you can take into your everyday life to build even better life that you have right now.
Why should you have a soul connection in your everyday life?
What does it mean to be connected to your soul in your daily life?
Why should you?
Your soul holds the most eternal love you can experience and that way is connected to your heart. It is like the magnet that draws in and up to your consciousness those memories and skills that define your current purpose and being on a new level.
Once you connect with your soul in your daily life, you will unleash your true nature from a more higher and specious place. It’s like you are returning home to your core being even more than ever before.
You shine more when you connect with your soul memories, purpose, and skills because your essence becomes deeper when it is not only from the level of mind and body.
Once you express your purpose, soul memories, and skills in your everyday life, you connect with things that truly bring joy to your soul. You start feeling a level of happiness and ease that you may have never felt before in your daily life.
Your everyday life goes to a new, magical level. You start seeing the awe in the routine, basic, simple daily things.
You start living a multidimensional life and connect to people on a soul level, allowing your soul to communicate with theirs when your body and mind cannot. This ability to connect at a deeper level can help you resolve conflicts and strengthen your relationships with others.
Imagine what else you could achieve in your business, relationships, health, and well-being once you connect with those skills and knowledge you have carried within for lifetimes.
What kind of life would you have then?
Look within your heart & soul
Close your eyes for a second and ask yourself: Are you connected to your soul – or is it totally a foreign thing to you?
Why would you like to deepen your soul connection?
When you need help connecting with your soul, check out my 45 min 1:1 channeling via Zoom. During this session, I channel you messages and advice on how to connect with your soul and what is your soul like.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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