What does living in 5D feel like?
There is a change going on within Mother Earth, and it is affecting all of us. The energy vibration and our consciousness are rising from 3D to 5D and 6D. Due to our free will, it is for you to choose if you enter into the “New 5D Earth” or stay within the old. In 5D you have released the heaviest burden you have been carrying in 3D – in 5D, you have chosen the path of love.
I moved to a very different world than where I used to live. This world was operated by love.
My story of entering 5D frequency
Years ago, I started experiencing the 5D energies in my everyday life for the first time. It was like having these random moments of love coming through me and surrounding me. I noticed my consciousness opening more and more during those moments, but they did not last long. Looking back at everything leading towards experiencing these energies, I now see how much self-work, self-healing, and 5D attunement I had done to raise my energy.
However, my biggest 5D anchoring moment happened in 2022 after focusing on opening my feminine energy and balancing my masculine and feminine sides. When this inner work culminated on 21.12.2022, it opened my kundalini energy to flow free, which changed my life and lifted me to spend more time in 5D.
Your kundalini energy does not need to be open to experience 5D. It is what happened to me, and your story can look very different from mine. The most significant learning point was that I had healed myself to the point that my energy vibration increased, allowing me to connect strongly with 5D.
In reality, I am now bouncing back and forth between 3D and 5D, which is a normal part of the process. It’s not yet possible to live in 5D only, as the world still operates also in 3D and 4D.
But those 5D energies are so beautiful and that’s why I now want to share with you the 5 most significant differences I have been experiencing while living in the 5D heart space energy.
1. I am love. Love is everywhere and in everyone
After my kundalini energy opened, I felt like a coin was flipped. Everything was basically the same, but my perspective had changed. I moved to a very different world than where I used to live. This world was operated by love.
Love was everywhere: in every person, situation, and emotion. I was love. To be one with love, I learned that you can fully love others and be loved once you love yourself. Self-love is not easy to achieve, and it took me a very long time to love myself unconditionally. Nowadays, it is normal to hug me and tell myself regularly how much I love myself.
I now connect with others and myself from my heart space, and I see the love in the eyes of (random) people when I talk to them. I see love, even during the most challenging discussions. I see the love in animals and nature.
First, I got confused and embarrassed about feeling this. I was scared to show it, and my mind was trying to understand where this feeling came from and why certain random people sparked this love within me and others did not. Why could I connect via my heart with some people and not with everyone? Eventually, I let go of analyzing it with my rational mind, accepted and faced the love within me and everyone on my path. And what a beautiful, heartwarming feeling it is now to look at people and see love.
2. My consciousness is one with the Universe
When my transformation happened, I stopped searching for myself as the search ‘as I knew it’ was over. I was everything I searched for. I felt that deep in my body, mind and soul. I felt what it was to be ALL.
It is difficult to explain the change in my consciousness I am now experiencing. My mind has much more space, understanding, and acceptance than ever before. I am much more aware of everything around me. I see, feel, hear, know, and taste everything stronger than before. My intuition and clair abilities are becoming stronger and stronger. I have opened access to Akashic Records, Lemuria, Atlantis, parrallel lives, other Universe, and the star systems. It feels like I operate multidimensionally in my daily life and at work.
My mind is one with the Universe, and it feels like all the knowledge is within rather than around me.
3. I am the creator
I see that we are all one with God and the Universe, and I embody the fact that we all are the creators of our lives. When I drop into the victim mindset (opposite of the creator mindset), I lift myself back into the greater alignment and connect with my inner power. When I am in alignment, I can experience a flow mindset. I have complete trust in the Universe to bring me what is supposed to come my way at the right time.
4. My body is changing
As my energy is getting lighter, it is also affecting my body. I now pay much more attention to food and my diet. I cannot eat processed foods or meat anymore. I can hardly drink any alcohol. I notice how all those things bring down my vibration. I am trying to eat organic, gluten-free, plant-based food, occasionally having wild fish, wild seafood, or organic milk products in my diet. I listen to my body and regularly cleanse it. I drink much more water than ever before and honor sleep.
The Universe and my body firmly guided me to live according to my period cycle. This change made me feel more grounded and connected with myself in the higher frequencies.
5. Things feel smooth, flowing and easy
I still feel fear. I still have negative thoughts. I still have negative core beliefs. I still face my shadows. I still face the sabotagers who live in my mind.
But when I truly tap into the 5D energies, everything feels smooth, effortless, flowing and easy. The fear turns into love.
All in all, the 5D energy feels so soft, trusting, natural, but mostly it feels loving. The love is indescribable with words, and once you experience it, you realize the true beauty of 5D.
Updated: 16.11.2023
Look within your heart & soul
Do you experience the 5D energy in your everyday life? When?
What happens when you drop from 5D energy to 3D energy?
If you would like to understand better how to tap into the 5D energies in your everyday life – and what is blocking you from accessing it, I am here for you. Discover my 45-minute 1:1 channeling via Zoom, where I channel from the higher consciousness the information you need right now to transform this barrier in your life.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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