My new year’s manifestation ritual
During the last week of the year, the energies always feel tense. It is like the energy of that year is coming to its peak before it can transform into the new year. Therefore, the last week is always a good time to look at the year that has just passed and look ahead - and do a new year's manifestation ritual.
The beginning of the new year always feels so exciting. The new year feels like a fresh piece of paper was just turned. People make new year’s promises and start new hobbies and things because the energies support all the newness. They follow up a few times but eventually stop creating that change as they hit an obstacle – or a negative belief – within themselves and cannot (or don’t want to) transform it. On top of that, some people start blaming themselves because they could not hold onto their promise.
We all have been there. At least, I have – until I started to understand the transformation process.
If you genuinely want your new year’s promise or this manifestation to work, you must be ready to work on yourself. No new year’s promise will last unless you are prepared to change, evolve, and vibrate on the level where the promise is your reality.
Are you ready?
Okay, amazing! Then let’s start.
This new year manifestation ritual has 2 parts:
1. Looking back and letting go to create space
2. Looking ahead and inviting newness into your life
Part 1 - let go
In the new year’s manifestation ritual part 1. you will write a letter for the Universe and your spiritual support system, so take a pen and paper.
1. Address the letter to your spirit guides, angels, Universe, etc. – whoever you feel is guiding you and write this sentence:
“Dear Universe, Angels… Help me let go of all the following things and create space for the newness within and around me.”
2. Then write down everything that comes to your mind from the past year that you are ready to let go. For each item, create a new “I let go of…” sentence →
“I let go of my victim mindset.
I let go of my bad habit of criticizing others.
I let go of the fight I had with my friend…”
3. End the letter with words:
“May this happen for the highest good of all, yours sincerely” and then add your name.
4. Burn this letter in fire (if possible) – and watch the paper disappear. If you cannot burn it, tear it into small pieces and take it to a trash bin.
Then allow the energies to work.
PART 2. Invite newness into your life
Now you have started to make some energetic space in your life. In the second part of the new year’s manifestation, you will focus on inviting newness into your life.
So again take a pen and paper.
1. Start the letter the same way as the previous one:
“Dear Universe….”
2. Then write down everything and anything you wanna be, experience, and have next year.
3. Again each item should have its own sentence. Write everything as you already have it, or like you already would be it.
And only use positive words.
E.g. “My successful business made the xxx amount of money in 2023”.
“I am healthy. My family is healthy.”
4. Then end the letter with the words:
“May this – or something better – happen for the highest good of all” and add your signature.
Now the secret of manifesting is that you need to feel as if you are already living that life. From that space, you then need to take action in your daily life, focusing on the desires you want to manifest.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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