Your self-healing process follows spiral-like energy, not linear
This message comes from archangel Rafael, who is the archangel of healing - he wants to talk to you about your self-healing process:
My dear child, your self-healing process that heals your darkest shadows and your fears that hide behind your automatic behavior is the most beautiful journey of liberation.
You must understand that by healing, you free yourself. You free the world around you. You free the planet Earth.
Your self-healing process is spiral-like
You might have noticed how time as you know it, has changed. It is not linear but spiral-like. This is why many healers, spiritual workers, and shamans talk about parallel lives and have stopped using the term past lives because there is no “past” as you know it.
Your life is a circle – or more a spiral that has many circles in it that symbolizes infinity. Because there is no end or beginning, it changes its form from birth to death to rebirth, ultimately returning to the Source.
The further you go with your self-healing process and let your fears go, the higher your frequency gets. You start moving up with that spiral-like energy. And yes, you will come across many of the same life lessons, but your perspective changes if you have been walking your self-healing journey and healed aspects of that fear. You start to look at it from above, not where you are. So that same lesson becomes lighter and lighter, eventually vanishing from your reality.
Here is an example of the self-healing process
Let me explain with an example.
– You have a pattern that comes from your negative mindset and your core belief, which has roots in one of your biggest fears.
– You keep repeating the same life lesson because you are operating from the fear mode. You repeat and repeat, sometimes with the same people, and sometimes there are new faces around you.
– Once you start your self-healing process, tap into your body, mind, spirit, and soul, and begin to heal that fear, things finally shift. You start to transform.
– That does not mean that the Universe would not be testing you. Or that you will not repeat the same circle because the Universe will test you, and you will repeat the “same” circle.
– If profound healing happens, your attitude and reaction will be different. Your energy is different, making you choose differently – it makes you rise.
– If healing has not happened, you keep on repeating it.
– Eventually, when the fear is healed, there will be a moment when the same lesson comes to your life – and you might vaguely remember it, but this time, you will look at it with love and joy.
Healing is a beautiful adventure and discovery of your inner world. You will get to know the real you, that person who you feel deep within you but are scared to show.
Now is the time to do so.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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