5 Ways How To Reduce Stress And Enhance Wellbeing At Home
Your home reflects your inner world and the other way around. So look around your home. Is it in order and clean? Or messy and dirty? If you have stress in your life, it can manifest as chaos, clutter, and dirt in your home. And when you do not feel so stressed, but if your home is cluttered, dirty, messy, noisy, or has lots of toxins, it triggers stress in your body, mind, and soul.
It is all connected; you and your home. When you reduce stressors in your home, it always affects your wellbeing. It might feel overwhelming to begin the process, but I promise that when you do start, you will feel much better.
So how can you start the process without getting too overwhelmed? Below I give you 5 tips on what to do.
1. Organize your home
A messy, unorganized home symbolizes a cluttered, chaotic mind and life. So make sure your home is clean, organized, and clutter-free!
If you need help decluttering, check out this post that will guide you through the process.
2. Start the home detox
You inhale and eat toxins at home daily without knowing it because your home is full of toxins that can harm your hormones and organs, increase the stress in your body and make you sick in various ways. I want to raise your awareness of a few things you can immediately replace in your home that affect your wellbeing.
1. Candles – I know you love candles, and so do I! But the more I learn about them, the more I have stopped having them at home because it is not healthy to inhale those fumes. If you burn candles, make sure you know what is in the candle you burn. Most candles are made of paraffin (a byproduct of petroleum!) or vegetables (coconut, soy, rapeseed, etc.), or insects (beeswax). Plus, sometimes, some (undefined) fragrance is added. The fragrance is alarming because it is not regulated by what goes under it. Often vegetable candles also have petroleum included, which is not written in the ingredient list. So, if you want to be safe, burn 100% beeswax candles (from a smaller brand) with 100% organic cotton wicks and 100% organic essential oils.
2. Black plastic cooking utensils. Get rid of these and replace them with wooden ones or stainless steel (depending on the type of pans and pots you use). In most cases, the black plastic used in the cooking utensil is made of recycled electronic equipment (!) and can contain the toxins used to produce the electronics. When you use them for cooking warm foods, it releases lots of toxins into the food.
3. Clear your home's energy
Just like you clean your home now and then, you should clear your home’s energy. Negative communication such as arguments, blaming, yelling and drama, fear, general unhappiness, stress, toxic home products, and even visitors with a negative vibe create toxic, stagnant, and negative energy that needs to be cleared and cleaned from your home environment.
Check out this quick method to cleanse the energy of your home. It is easier than you think (and does not include burning anything).
4. Bring nature in
Much research has been done on the effect of nature on wellbeing and healing. For example, nature and plants lift your energy and reduce stress!
– Make sure you have clean windows so that you can see nature better from your windows. For example, in the research “View through a window may influence recovery from surgery, in 1984, R. S. Ulrich found out that patients that had a window view of trees in the hospital recovered a day faster than the ones who had a view of a wall from the window. Also, there were fewer negative comments from the nurses who worked in those spaces.
– If you only see a (brick) wall from the windows, add some plans to your window panel or outside the window.
– Add plants inside your home. Make also sure you have plants that purify the air, such as Aloe Vera, Peace Lily, Spider plant, and Snake plant.
– Spread crystals around your home to lift the energy. But clear and activate the energy of these crystals first.
5. Create a stress-free zone
The stress-free zone is a space that you claim. It is your cocoon, where all the stress disappears. It can be an armchair, your yoga mat, a room, or the entire house. You decide!
If you live with others, and cannot have a room for yourself, then in your mind, choose your favorite spot in your home to be your stress-free zone.
Once you have chosen this space, make sure that it is organized, clutter-free, non-toxic and has plants near by. Then create a ritual where you:
– Work together with the Universe, angels or spirit guides to clear the energy of the space (as above)
– Announce that space to be stress-free.
– Imagine in your mind the space to be inside a big bubble of relaxation – and that every time you enter it, you let go of stress.
Then, step into the zone to relax whenever you feel stressed at home.
It is important that you start looking at your home from the perspective of the mirror – and transform it into a space of wellbeing and healing. That way, you start to transform the space within you as well.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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