3 ways to nurture yourself when you are busy
Ah, my favorite time of the year is here. My childhood home, where I am now, smells like vegan gingerbread cookies and a Christmas tree. There are candles everywhere to bring more light into the darker days we experience up north in December. These few weeks leading up to the holidays are always so busy for everyone - and we tend to forget ourselves. And that is why I am typing this post. I want to remind you to first focus on yourself and then focus on others during the holidays.
Are you finishing work projects for the year? Buying presents and doing all last-minute things at the moment? On top of that, you are celebrating with friends? Are you preparing for the holiday days by cooking and baking in advance?
Yeah. Guilty!
During this time of the year, everyone forgets themselves and overly focuses on others – and finishing projects. And I see you doing it as well. I know it is not easy to focus on yourself when you are busy and when that is the last thing on your mind. But that is precisely the moment when you need to slow down. And take care of yourself.
Because during those busy moments, you feel unsure if you can control how fast your life is going, you are multitasking, getting stressed, and can step into the mode of overgiving. But I promise that if you have the guts to slow down – even for 10 minutes, you get more control of your life, and you will feel better, AND you will get everything done that you were supposed to do – in a faster and better way.
And I will help you slow down when you have no time. Here are 3 different things you can do in those 10 minutes.
1. Meditate for 10 minutes
The good old meditation is always an excellent way to slow down and reconnect with yourself. It is being said that you should meditate daily for at least 20 minutes and 1 h if you don’t have time to meditate.
If that 1h feels too much right now, meditate for at least 5-10 minutes. The best thing is that you can do this wherever you are, in any situation, even at your work desk with your eyes open.
2. Go for a walk alone without any distractions
A simple walk alone always does wonders, clears your mind, and reconnects you with yourself. Even better if you can spend at least 15 minutes in nature (even a park will do)! Because research shows that spending a minimum of 15 min increases your well-being and happiness.
3. Nurture your inner child
You might feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, and all other things at the moment. So use those 10 minutes to connect with your inner child who needs you and your love at the moment.
1. Bring your hands to your body, close your eyes (if you can), and invite the inner child to appear.
2. Imagine or feel how a child version of you is in front of you.
3. Take that child to your arms, and whisper beautiful things into her/his ear. Ask what your inner child needs. Tell her/him:
– All is well. You are safe.
– You matter, and you are wonderful.
– I see you, and I see your needs.
4. Spend time in this loving energy and once you are ready, open your eyes.
So pick the one that resonates the most with you to connect with the calmness within. Once you do that, you truly experience from a much calmer and loving space all the magic this holiday season will bring you.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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