3 BIG changes after working on my feminine energy
Last year, I felt the urge to work on my feminine energy, as I felt that side of me had disappeared behind our collective masculine world. So I hired a coach and started looking within myself. It was a deep journey of self-exploration, and many, many things transformed, and in this post I want to highlight 3 of the things that changed when I worked on my feminine energy.
But before I tell you more, I want to make a quick note if you need to become more familiar with this feminine energy topic:
Everyone carries feminine and masculine energy within them, regardless of gender. But what does that mean? What is feminine energy? And what is masculine energy?
Feminine energy and masculine energies are opposite sides of each other.
Feminine energy is flowing, intuitive, receptive, dark, cold, still, passive, inward, and creative. It’s also about surrendering, being, allowing, feeling, and receiving.
While masculine energy is logical, active, expansive, outward, light, assertive, and warm, that also includes energies of direction, stability, clarity, doing, and giving.
You might already notice that one of the sides is stronger for you and you feel more ‘at home’ in those energies. However, in the ideal world, your masculine and feminine energy would be in balance.
These 3 things changed when I balanced my feminine energy
1. I started to receive
When your feminine energy is open, you are at ease with receiving all that life offers. That means money, love, compliments, gifts, help, and support + anything you desire.
At a glance, you might feel like: but I can receive. I receive things all the time! And that’s what I was thinking. However, I realized I was not okay with receiving when I went deep enough within myself. I did not feel safe, worthy, or that I was enough.
Once I saw that pattern, I accepted my difficulties in receiving. That opened my eyes to my daily life, where I sometimes felt uneasy about receiving gifts, compliments, help, etc. – even if I deeply desired all those things. After identifying this, I was ready to start releasing my negative core beliefs – a work I still consciously do daily. But after working on this, I now have moments I feel easy to receive, e.g., a compliment. It feels good, soft, and loving. And still, sometimes, I am amazed at how good it can feel to receive a compliment (the way that it does not boost my ego).
2. I stopped being scared of the unknown & uncertainty
Uncertainty – what an awful place to be. Or that is what I used to think. But, when I became familiar with my dark feminine energy, I started to accept uncertainty and unknown. Neither of those things were not anymore a deep, dark, scary places where I could not get up. Instead, they transformed into deep, dark places of beautiful creation. Let me explain.
Feminine energy is womb energy. That’s where your feminine powers, such as creativity and creation, are located. When you think about creating something, it starts with nothing from scratch. Creation is unknown and uncertain.
When you understand that this place of unknown and uncertainty is the same place as creation, you feel safer in that space. You know that you have been there already many times, in this same place. You started from there, from the womb. So that will help you take your power back and enjoy that space because that holds the keys to creating and being anything you desire.
3. My kundalini energy opened
Kundalini is your Shakti, feminine energy that is a doormat in your root chakra. We all carry it. However, it is a real mystery if it opens and when. After it opened (because I was not sure what was going on!), I read books about it, and even Bonnie Greenwell, who had a Ph.D. in Kundalini and worked her entire life with people going through Kundalini awakening, could not say in her books, why it opens and when.
I was not expecting my Kundalini energy to awaken. And this was never my goal or something I needed to ‘achieve’. But it happened naturally, and I felt I was ready for it, also. When it happened, it felt like there were fireworks and flowing water everywhere within me. I was the consciousness. My mind was the Universe. I was the Creator. I was God. It was so strong that it took me a long time to process that energy. And once I did, it changed dramatically – yet beautifully how I see life. Now I know what it truly means to BE LOVE.
There were signs of my kundalini activating throughout the half-year I worked with my coach. Before it happened, I had heavy times of having massive ups and downs with myself. I was in bliss. Then I was in deep suffering. Bliss – suffering – bliss – suffering. That was exhausting. There was no balance whatsoever, only high ups and low lows. Everything came to the surface, like an ongoing factory line. And even before that, I had been on a profound transformation journey of my body, mind, and soul for years.
Kundalini has been teaching me A LOT – but one of the most significant things was understanding how important it is to keep your (dark & light) feminine and (dark & light) masculine in balance to have a balanced life.
Interested to work on your feminine energy?
Then start with learning to receiving your self-love. Check out this post that help you get further.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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