12 chakras – a review of the 5 lesser-known chakras
Did you know that there are more than seven chakras? Did you know that when our consciousness rises towards 5D and beyond, these other chakras open, and those seven main chakras evolve?
Actually, there are hundreds of chakras! This post will focus on the 12 chakra system and the five lesser-known chakras of these 12 chakras. These five chakras are Earth Star Chakra, Navel Chakra, Causal Chakra, Soul Star Chakra, and Stellar Gateway Chakra. People used to be aware of all the 12 chakras during Atlantis, but unfortunately, we lost and forgot these five chakras and the other seven chakras became 3rd dimensional when Atlantis disappeared. But now, we are starting to remember again, and the seven main chakras are transforming as well.
these are the 12 chakras
- Earth Star (new), below your feet
- Root chakra
- Sacral chakra
- Navel chakra (new)
- Solar Plexus chakra
- Heart chakra
- Throat chakra
- Third eye chakra
- Crown chakra
- Causal chakra (new), above Crown Chakra
- Soul Star chakra (new), above Causal Chakra
- Stellar Gateway (new), above Soul Star
Let’s take a look at each of these new chakras and what they mean.
Earth Star Chakra is such a beautiful 5th Dimensional chakra below your Root Chakra and your feet. It is the soil where your Root Chakra grows and the foundation of a balanced life. This chakra connects your soul to your body and Mother Earth. We must activate our Earth Star Chakra to lift our energy towards ascension.
The Earth Star Chakra also plays an essential role in connecting you to your soul mission. It helps you understand the physical location, where your soul wants to be, and your soul’s mission for this life.
This Earth Star Chakra teaches us many lessons, focusing on asking us to connect with nature. It wants us to connect with beauty, this gorgeous planet Earth, and ourselves.
You should not mix Navel Chakra with Solar Plexus Chakra. These are two separate chakras. In the 5D 12 chakra system, the Naval Chakra is located between your Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.
It represents community, connection to everything – on the planet and other galaxies – society, peace, happiness, and serenity. Its energy is genuinely welcoming, symbolizing standing together, understanding how we all are one – not separate from the other. In 5D light, it shines bright orange color, like your own inner sun.
Causal Chakra is a gorgeous, feminine energy chakra on top of your head, above the crown chakra. It forms almost like a moon-shaped halo above your head. This pure-moon white chakra is connected with the moon, bringing the needed Divine Feminine energy to our lives and planet Earth. Each lunar event and its energies arrive into your consciousness via the Causal Chakra.
The other important aspect of this Causal Chakra is connecting you to the Spirits, Angels, and Higher vibrational beings. And it helps you to receive information from them. For example, in my Coaching & Healing sessions I often see people’s past lives appearing from this chakra because it holds access to the Akashic Records.
Above Causal Chakra is the magenta pink-colored Soul Star Chakra. When this chakra is open, you can communicate with higher vibrational beings (Angels, Unicorns, etc.) and the high vibrational beings from other galaxies. Via this chakra, you acknowledge your connection to the Source.
The Soul Star Chakra allows you to access your soul and its wisdom, gifts, and talents on a much deeper level. Because here you can connect with the Halls of Amenti – which should not mix up with Akashic Records. Akashic records are the blueprint of the energies and Universal wisdom of all the experiences and lives on Earth. The Halls of Amenti have all the experiences, knowledge, and lives from all dimensions, galaxies, and Universes.
Stellar Gateway chakra above Soul Star chakra vibrates golden color and is the highest of the 12 chakras. It connects you with the Divine energy, the Source, and your monad when it is open. This is where you become one with ALL and hold your access to ascension.
Are you ready to start opening these five chakras? Then I would advise you to start with your Earth Star Chakra. If you are looking for help and guidance, discover my services, where I help you balance and recharge your 12 chakra system.
Essi Koski-Lammi
Essi Koski-Lammi is an Interior Designer, Intuitive Healer, and Inner Alignment Coach with over 20 years of experience in energy work. She guides purpose-driven women and businesses to reconnect with their authentic essence through inner alignment coaching, strategic business channeling, and conscious interior design. Essi’s mission is to create harmony and beauty in both inner and outer spaces, allowing clarity, success, and well-being to flow naturally.

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